Ethnos NZ

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A Time and a Place for Everything

Jonathan and Heidi Bamford minister among the Isnag people of The Philippines. “We were planning to jump right into translation checking this last week, but that didn’t happen. There is a lot of sickness going around in the village, and I couldn’t get a complete team of translation checkers together, so we had to postpone until everyone is feeling better. It turned out that I wasn’t feeling so great myself. But I was able to use the time to assemble the new cabinets for the village clinic. The cabinets are a project started by our co-worker, prefabricated … in town and then flown into the village in pieces. All I had to do was figure out which piece went with which cabinet. Heidi came to my rescue and organized the cabinets so that everything would be back in the place the clinic workers expected it to be. Another reason that it was probably for the best that the translation checking was postponed was that many people came by to visit with us during the week. We had been out of the village since November, and lots of folks wanted to visit us and let us know that they were glad that we were back. Pray that we will be able to get the translation checking going soon.”