Ethnos NZ

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Alphabet Is Approved; One Step Closer to Bible Translation

Susie ministers among a people group of West Africa. “I have good news to share with you — our alphabet is approved by the leaders of [the] people! I was recently in [another country] for some meetings, and it was on my first Sunday that the chief of the whole people group, as well as many village chiefs, were able to get together for a meeting to discuss it. And since God clearly kicked me out of that meeting, [with] my being in a different country and all, it was the guys from our alphabet party, together with some others, who led it on our behalf. And they did great and were super encouraged themselves. One of the guys from our alphabet party wrote, ‘Really, I myself am overjoyed with the meeting today. May God protect us. May He make the work continue to move forward.’ Another responded, ‘Amen! Amen! Really, we are very, very happy.’ I am so glad as well, since this means that the people group is now accepting the alphabet as their own and not just something the white lady did. I know that there are still a gazillion steps and a whole lot of work for the Holy Spirit to do before we can see a mature church among the people who are reading the Word of God, but it is wonderful to see God continue to fling doors open.” Pray for this alphabet and for the salvation of the people.