Ethnos NZ

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Awa Believer asking to be Trained as Bible Teacher

Andy and Chrissy Shaub minister among the Awa people of South America. “At a monthly Bible study, H had a lot of questions. How could he become a Bible teacher?  Once a month is too little Bible teaching for his family. Could we come more often? On the two-hour return to our home, we discussed H's concerns. He wants his family to have more Bible teaching. Great! He would like to become a Bible teacher. Wonderful! We've been asking God for Awa Bible teachers and leaders for the church. He wants us to come more often. Hmmm...because of security concerns in his area, we try to make our visits unpredictable and infrequent. H's family enjoy the Bible study workbooks. So, we prayed and talked the situation over with our coworkers, Kevin and Kathy Bruce. We came up with a plan. H could visit us once a month, and we can hold a teaching session, giving him lessons and simple worksheets to teach at home. On his son's motorcycle, he could possibly make the round trip in a day. We now have a ‘Teaching Teachers’ Day’ planned, and we plan to invite other Awa from our churches here to participate.” Pray for more Awa Bible teachers.