Ethnos NZ

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Jesus is the only way of Salvation

Bart and Emily Allen minister among the Amdu people of Papua New Guinea. “Most of the believers share a common prayer request — the weight of their unbelieving family and neighbours ridiculing and even threatening them. But despite the pressure, they are confident that Jesus is the only way of salvation, and they are hungry to continue to learn more. What one of the believers shared is similar to all of them. ‘I’m being pressured by my family and community not to continue listening to what you (Bart and Emily) are feeding us from God’s Word. They are always telling me you are teaching us lies! But how can I leave my new family (fellow believers)? These are the words of life and I’ve seen in the book of Acts that all believers can expect persecution like this. It’s normal for us!’ Another friend shared this testimony recently: ‘The other day I was reading my Bible with my family, and we saw the verse in Galatians 3 where it says that Jesus became a curse for me (at this point he started crying with the memory of it). Jesus became a curse for me when He died in my place. That talk really helped me and my family!’ We haven’t translated Galatians yet, but this believer is hungry for God's Word, so he is studying his Pidgin Bible on his own. He came across this passage in Galatians and was encouraged.” Pray for the Amdu believers to remain hungry for the truth of God’s Word.