Ethnos NZ

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Nahuatl Believers Are Praying for Strength To Get Through Hard Stuff

Rachel Chapman ministers among the Nahuatl people of Mexico. She said, “We just finished translating Ephesians. The last chapter talks about our preparing ourselves to stand against the schemes of the devil. As Paul finishes telling us about the spiritual armor that we have available, he says, ‘And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.’

“The believers aren’t asking to be relieved of the pressure. They are asking God for strength and bravery to walk through it. They are asking for wisdom to know how to answer their family and neighbours. They are asking for boldness to share the truth despite the circumstances. They are asking God to help them be attractive examples of Christ to the community. They are asking God to protect their children and to help them choose the right path. And they are asking God to open the eyes of their families and the people of Las Moras to see His truth and believe. Will you pray with us for the spiritual warfare here in Las Moras?” For more ways to pray for the Nahuatl work specifically and strategically, download the prayer guide.