Ethnos NZ

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Pray for Audio Recording of Tepehuan Bible

Matt and Star Arnold minister itinerantly to the Tepehuan people. Kevin and Wendy Case are semi-retired from the field of Mexico and minister itinerantly among the Tepehuan people. “Kevin Case, our co-worker and semi-retired Bible translator for the Tepehuan, [took] Marcelo, Gregorio and Pablo to Southern Mexico to do a four- to six-week project of recording the entire New Testament into an audio Bible for the Tepehuan. ‘We won't be recording the entire New Testament (NT) this trip. The finished project is to be a multi-voice recording with at least 11 parts. The plan this trip is to record the three main parts, which will be the narrator, Paul and Jesus. That will give us about 85% of the NT. My understanding is that at a later date, they will send the recording technicians to the … location to record the remaining minor parts.’ This is huge! More than half of the Tepehuan nation is preliterate. So, to be able to listen to God’s Word when you don’t know how to read is huge! And to have native speakers narrating the Scripture – amazing! The recording facility hopes to have two studios available for recording quicker, but it will be grueling for the three guys taping. Gregorio struggles with his throat when he speaks a long time [because of] his years as a radio announcer, but with enough rest times, we hope to prevent that. Pray for prepared hearts as they spend many hours together working, travelling, sleeping and eating. May they be able to make good use of their off time to spend in the Word and talking together. It could take four to six weeks to accomplish all they hope to do. We have watched how God has worked when you pray. Let’s be expectant for what God does this time! Pray for the Tepehuan to continue to grow in their walk with God.”