Ethnos NZ

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Pray for Bible Translation Workshop in Latin America

Tim and Betty Wyma minister as church planting consultants for Latin America. “Accurate communication is so important for all of us in every aspect of life, in our homes, our work and play. This has been a major focus of our ministry over the years beginning with the process of learning the Ayoré language many years ago. And we learned through trial and error in Ayoré that learning to communicate accurately across the vast cultural and worldview differences is a unique challenge. Then through the ensuing years we have focused much of our ministry on helping others learn many varied indigenous languages around Latin America. The key word in all this is accurate. Being able to predict what thoughts and feelings are produced in your mind when I say something is the goal we are working toward in advancing our communication skills.

“Betty [will be involved in] a two-week ‘Advanced Language Workshop’ in Brazil. We would treasure your prayer for Lisa Kappeler, the presenter and consultant, and for Betty, who will be assisting her. The primary sessions will be translated since Lisa’s experience has been on other continents. The team [in Brazil] is going to need God’s wisdom to accurately communicate to the many fellow missionaries who are diligently working among many people groups scattered around Brazil, each with their own language and value systems. [Pray for] safety in travel for the presenting team and for all those travelling many miles to attend this workshop and for good health for everyone.”