Ethnos NZ

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Schoolteachers are Key Players on the Church Planting Team

Victoria Langfeld took a semester away from university to serve in Papua New Guinea (PNG). “The past five months, I have had the privilege of getting to serve at Numonohi Christian Academy, helping students in grades 1-6. Now that school is out for the summer, I have been helping a church planting family with homeschooling their kids. The plan was for me to fly to their tribal location, Menya, and stay for five weeks, but they had to come to our mission centre because of some health issues. This has been a big change for all of us and there is a lot of uncertainty during this time. I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for my last six weeks in PNG, even if it looks different than I expected. Please pray for the Chappell family during this uncertain time and for wisdom and guidance in the days and weeks to come. I would also appreciate your prayers as I help with homeschooling, that I would be able to be a help and a blessing to their kids. Learn more about volunteering with Ethnos NZ.