Ethnos NZ

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“The Menya church had their first outreach!”

Wes and Penny Chappell minister among the Menya people of Papua New Guinea. “As a church we had been praying about doing an outreach for some time now. While we were praying and planning this, we [realized] that before we go out to another village for an outreach, there were some who started to attend our believers’ meetings and family members who were interested in the Creation to Christ teaching. The truths of Romans 7- 8 [that we were teaching in those meetings] were going over their heads. So as a church body we put all our normal Sunday and Wednesday meetings on hold, and everyone committed to being a part of the five- week-long outreaches. Six Bible teachers taught the lessons alongside Wes with some of the believing teens helping by reading the Scripture portions that went along with the lesson. All the believers engaged in discussions after the teaching ended each day with those hearing for the first time. The whole church was involved, it was a great time of growth for the believers. Since the outreach there were about 30 people that gave clear testimony of their faith in Christ. Five of the six Bible teachers each had at least one teenage child get saved during the outreach.” Watch the video.