Ethnos NZ

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Pray for Translation Checking among the Isnag People of the Philippines

Jonathan and Heidi Bamford minister among the Isnag people of the Philippines. “We are in a race against time. The men here are preparing their fields and sometime in April will burn off the brush. Then everyone will be involved full-time in fieldwork for a couple of months. Between now and the time of fieldwork, we hope to get as much translation checking done as possible. I had asked for prayer regarding getting a team together to do the next check. The person who is most skilled to do the next check has been away in a different province, but, praise the Lord, she returned to the village, and it looks like our team of five will be able to start this check.

“Please pray for the next round of translation checking. I hope we can get through 1 and 3 John, Jude and Revelation. If time permits, I would like to sneak 14 chapters of Matthew in as well. Pray also for the three-day lesson writing/teaching workshop the Maynards and Devis are putting on and pray that those involved will be used to strengthen the church.” Pray for good budgeting of time.