Young Palawano Church Finding its Feet in the Philippines
Elise Long ministers among the Palawano people of the Philippines. “Our heart’s desire is for the Palawano church to find their feet as God’s agents of grace and transformation among their own people. We want to foster a leadership which is both biblical and contextual, ready to thrive in their unique culture and be life-giving salt and light to their community and beyond. We’re thankful for two Palawano chiefs growing in Christ and engaging with the ministry. Please pray for them! They are still young in the faith. I was really encouraged to see them give freedom for the Word of God to take authority in community life. Attending a meeting about a troubled marriage, I heard [one] say, ‘We need to apply what we discussed at the church this morning; you know, what [he] preached about relationships and about reconciliation! About love!’ ‘Yes, we do!’ said [the other]. How wonderful that they are thinking this way, instead of hiding their problems or just asking the missionary what to do! Pray for wisdom as we seek to develop the sustainability of the Palawano ministry.”