More Baptisms in the Nahuatl Church in Mexico
Rachel Chapman ministers among the Nahuatl people of Mexico, and recently told of an exciting event when Peter and Liesl Hypki visited as part of their itinerant ministry with the Nahuatl. “The Nahuatl church celebrated our second baptism ceremony. Two of the Nahuatl youth, Cesar and Sandra, and the Hypkis’ son, Kester, have been believing in Jesus for a while, and they wanted to be baptized in obedience to the Lord and as a testimony of their faith. The church gathered at the creek, sang praises to God for our salvation, and Pete baptized the three kids. ... We praise God for these kids’ faith, and we look forward to what God will do in and through them.
“Please pray for Cesar, Sandra and Kester that they would continue to seek after the Lord and serve him with their whole hearts. Please pray for Cesar and Sandra for boldness and confidence in the Lord as they will potentially face more persecution from their peers and teachers since they have publicly identified themselves as Christians.”