Over 20 years of labour came to fruition...
Nathan and Abby Burris serve in Asia Pacific. In the past, they lived in a town near the Moi people and served the Moi team through supply buying. The Moi people now have God’s Word in their heart language, and earlier this year, they held a Bible dedication. “January 4 marked the momentous day where hundreds of Bibles were flown into their village, and the celebration began! Our co-workers, the Crocketts, have dedicated their lives to seeing the Moi have the Word of God in their heart language. This meant over 20 years of translating, teaching and discipling the Moi. The work has not been in vain. God produced a bountiful harvest of believers who love Him and love His Word. We are humbled and convicted by their knowledge of Scripture and ability to quote it by heart. A people who once lived in fear of the spirit world around them are now confident followers of the Lord.” Praise the Lord that the Moi people have God’s Word in their heart language.