Seventy New Believers among the Simba of Bolivia
Jack and Suzie Russell, currently working itinerantly, minister to the Simba people of Bolivia. Recently Simba ministers taught two three-day Bible conferences at different villages. Over 450 Simba people attended each conference. “They were asking so many questions and were under conviction that their traditional beliefs about God were not true. What a crisis for them! There has been a lot of foundational teaching in these two locations — all in the Simba language. In the end there were at least 70 more people who solidly expressed faith in Christ! Praise the Lord! On the December 31, two of the Simba ministers baptized 32 more believers.”
Because the conference attendees are “spread out far and wide,” meeting with the new believers is a challenge. Pray for the Simba ministers who visit the people regularly. “Pray that they will continue to keep their eyes on Jesus and press on.”