Pray that Dan and Judy would be able to teach the Chimane men and women with clarity. Pray that the Chimane believers would understand the teaching and grow in their walks with the Lord.
“Pray for our friends’ hearts to be soft and receptive to the gospel in the future. Pray for us to have insight and courage to plant seeds of truth even now, as we talk and interact with our friends on a daily basis.”
Pray for the Nahuatl young people attending weekly youth group. “[M]any of them are hearing God's Story for the first time. Pray their hearts would be soft to the gospel.”
Praise God for this opening to share the gospel with the people of village S. Pray for the M church as they teach literacy and prepare for this upcoming outreach.
“Please pray for the emerging leaders of the M church as they navigate their role in these kinds of issues and as they interact with the people group leaders and traditional justice systems. These systems are not always congruent with biblical truths.”
“Pray that the team in Mexico would continue to find ways to reach the Tepehuan people scattered throughout the city of Chihuahua and that this new Bible study group would grow in their understanding of the Word.”
“Praise the Lord that “this final message ... was received with great excitement and many indicated that they were willing to go and serve the Lord this way. ... Pray for the Ps to know the calling of God in their lives and for God to make a way for them to go and tell!”
“Please pray for Cesar and Sandra for boldness and confidence in the Lord as they will potentially face more persecution from their peers and teachers since they have publicly identified themselves as Christians.”
Please pray that God will continue to work in our lives as we handle His Word and work on these lessons. We need wisdom. We need the right focus. We need strategy in the lessons that helps lead in the right direction.
“Pray that the Lord of the Harvest would speak to the hearts of His children to take up the challenge and be SENT out to work, for the day is coming when it won’t be possible any longer.”
“While Uruwa is still a two-day hike from Dinangat, pray that there will eventually be a thriving church there and that as believers they can build one another up.”
“Ask God to help the Knoxes and me as we study language and culture. Ask Him to guide our days, to give us strength and insight and to fill us with love and humility toward those we are learning from.”