Ethnos NZ

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After literacy comes…

Missionaries Grant and Marianne Bayfield minister among the Manobo people of the Philippines. “Since we have lots of readers in the village, we’ve put literacy classes to the side for the moment and have begun a ‘next step’ for those who can read (and even people who can’t read are welcome to sit in and participate). As we’ve studied the Bible together, the people in the village have been challenged over and over to share the gospel with others. However, even though they know the final message, and have heard the stories leading through the Bible from Creation to the Cross, they don’t feel confident enough yet to teach it. So, we started an Evangelistic Bible teaching class. The goal is to increase people’s familiarity with the story and the message. We hope to put a tool in their hands and encouragement in their hearts to teach their own families — particularly their children who were too young to understand the gospel when we did it together as a village. Grant has made little booklets containing the lessons, and people sit together in groups of five or so, split the lesson up between them to read it and discuss each part. There is a ladies’ class and a men’s class each meeting for an hour on Thursdays and Fridays. Over these next 6 months before our planned home assignment, please pray with us that many in the village will become confident and capable sharing the gospel, and those certain men would step up as Bible teachers in training, whom our coworker Allan can continue to train while we are gone. Pray for a good consistent turnout at the Bible teaching classes and for attendees to grow and learn and bravely start sharing with others, particularly their spouses and children. Also pray for language study for Marianne, that she’d keep making progress to be a better communicator.”