Connect with church planting among unreached people groups. More than 2,500 missionaries serve around the world in remote places where there are no churches, or even work being done to establish one. Working in the context of tribal cultures and languages, missionaries bring God’s Word to those isolated from the Gospel, planting churches where Christ is not yet named.

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Jason & Shirley Birkin

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Dean & Trudy Hess


Mark Tate


Maaike van Mechgelen

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Isaiah King


Anna Watkins

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Roger & Lana Deed

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Liam Mitchell


Emma Grant



Want a guest speaker for your small group, church group or Bible study?

Connect with ETHNOS missionaries who are preparing to go to the mission field, home from their overseas ministry, or serving in New Zealand. They would be glad to talk with you or your group, and to develop a relationship.

The more information you provide, the better we’ll be able to serve you.

About you

Donate THROUGH ETHNOS NZ Bank Account

You can make a donation, or set up automatic regular donations to any of our missionaries, any of our projects, NZ ministry costs, or simply to where funds are most needed, direct to our NZ bank account by internet banking. This saves on significant credit card processing fees and makes your donation go further.

ETHNOS NZ Details:

Account Name: Ethnos NZ
Bank & Branch: ANZ, Orewa
Account Number: 01-0806-0200343-00

When you make your deposit, or set up an AP, please put...

  1. Surname of the missionary, or project name, or NZ Min (NZ ministry costs), or WMN (Where Most Needed) you want to support in the in first reference field.

  2. Your Surname in the second reference field.

  3. Your phone number in the third reference field.

  4. Then, please also fill out your details in the fields below so we can match with the bank statement.

That way the missionary will know who to thank for the donation, and also for Ethnos NZ’s annual receipting.

Any further queries, if you wish to talk by phone, please contact us on 09 427 8485, or by email on the form above.