Ethnos NZ

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Training Indigenous Believers in Bible and Missions

Dan and Ginny used to minister among the L people of West Africa and are now part of a team that trains indigenous believers in Bible and missions. “In December, Dan spent 10 days in Guinea with a team from our mission. The purpose of the trip was to meet to provide some training for believers from four different people groups. For a week they met together several times a day to study God’s Word together. Dan shared the teaching with three other men. He was also able to reconnect with a good number of people that we have known for years. The team visited [the] K [people group] for church on Sunday morning, and Dan spent the rest of the day in the village visiting friends. The team plans to return next fall as well and is already looking forward to that time together. December also seemed to be full of people, with lots of evenings of people over to our house and meals shared around the table. We continue to look for ways to interact with new people, and we find that inviting people to our home is often one of the best ways to facilitate those relationships. Pray that we would be a good example and that our lives would point them to Jesus.”