Ethnos NZ

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Using FaceTime to Encourage Ka’apor Believers

Reuben and Lydia Schuring are presently on home assignment and minister among the Ka’apor people of Brazil. “What has been an extra special blessing is being able to continue to be in touch through FaceTime with our Ka’apor brothers and sisters and to encourage them. We continue to be so thankful about what God is teaching them and doing in them. Reuben continues to prepare lessons and teaching material for them to teach and have had some great conversations with some of the teachers. There are two brothers in another village who have, on their own, gathered a group together and are evangelizing them. They have plans to reach out to several other villages nearby and teach as well. In [one], the teachers have gathered a group that need evangelized from the village [we were in] and two others. They will be teaching them during the week and continue to teach the believers on Sundays.” Pray for the Ka’apor believers involved in evangelism.