“I Can Read It in My Heart Language, and Then I Understand.”
Nathan and Becky minister itinerantly in Southeast Asia Mainland. “About 15 years ago the completed L Bible was dedicated and presented to the L Church. It was a joyous occasion of celebration as the believers and followers of Jesus finally held the complete Bible in their hands, written in their heart language. Over the next weeks that followed, I heard a comment from a pastor who said, ‘I have studied and read my [trade language] Bible for many years. The verses I have memorized are in [that] language, and I cannot read the L Bible as quickly. But if I don’t understand a verse or passage in the [first] Bible, I can read it in my heart language, and then I understand.’ In more recent years, the P Bible (New Testament and Old Testament portions) has also been completed, and other Bible translation projects are ongoing. Now the L and P Bibles are available for download as an App on phones and tablets. Many young people are downloading these apps and reading the Bible in their heart language. They can carry it with them wherever they go. Please pray for the Bible translation projects that are still in progress. The translation teams need much wisdom as they carry the responsibility of translating the Word of God accurately and clearly.”