Ethnos NZ

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Pray That God Would Strengthen the Tanguat Church

Paul and Ellen Swenson minister among the Tanguat people of Papua New Guinea. “Life and ministry are continuing on as usual, … working on drafting Bible lessons, teaching and discipling, training teachers, and a new literacy class for children is kicking off. Those are all different things that are happening here, but the most important work (and most important work that needs to be ongoing) is the work that God is doing in our hearts as we minister here and the work that He is doing in the lives of the believers here. That’s the work that God does. Those other things are tools that He uses to bring about change in our hearts and minds. Praise God for His faithfulness and for the promise that He will complete the work that He began in our lives!

“Paul and Derek [co-worker] have created a ‘Theology 101’ class for our Thursday Bible study. And on Mondays we read through Acts and discuss it. Paul and the Bible teachers-in-training are teaching through Romans on Sundays.

“Pray for us and the believers here to allow God to continue to mold and shape us to be more like Christ as we continue to teach through Romans on Sundays. Pray that this will build a strong foundation for the faith of the believers here. Pray for Ellen and me for wisdom as we translate Luke. And pray specifically that it will communicate accurately and naturally in the Tanguat language.”