Too Many People Wanting Training and Discipleship in Bolivia
Dan and Judy Burke minister among the Chimane people of Bolivia. “We have quite the predicament here this weekend. We have 48 families present. This is more than we can accommodate comfortably. With the addition of ten new houses this year, we have 40 rooms. This will house 40 families. Some of these families are 11 people!
“So, the men’s class cannot fit in our living room. The men’s class cannot fit in the radio office room. They are currently outside, which is fine if it doesn’t rain.
“The discipleship classes were begun with the thought of discipling believing men who wanted to serve God in their community. To equip these men to teach others in their communities. The ones attending classes were then to go back to their communities and pass on to others what they have learned. This group, however, is primarily comprised of nonbelievers. These people are seekers.
“Please pray for a weekend with these people that glorifies the Lord. We are going to have a strong evangelistic emphasis this weekend. Pray that the weather will be fair and that we would be able to supply water for this large crowd.”