Ethnos NZ

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Update on Sekadau Bible Project

Paul and Bella Gervasi minister among the Sekadau people of Asia Pacific. “The Sekadau Bible has been sent to a man who is getting it ready to be printed. He has other responsibilities as well, so we are told that this will take three to four months. We understand the printers will also take three to four months to print the Bibles. We hope it won’t be any longer than that. We have a tentative plan to distribute the Bibles in mid-April of 2024.

“Both Bella and I continue to make and to revise lessons for the church here. Bella is working on lessons for the women and for the children. I am working on lessons for teaching in church. I am still making new lessons, but I soon need to transition to revising some of the older lessons. We are hoping that will all be done by mid-April as well. But truthfully it is a mountain of material to revise in that amount of time. Our plan is to leave all these lessons with the church.

“Pray that the Sekadau Bibles will be finished in time to be given out in April of 2024. Pray also that the believers here will continue to grow in grace and understanding of the Lord and that there would be opportunities to teach in the many villages near here that are without the gospel.”