Chronological Bible Teaching in Papua New Guinea...
They Themselves Are Sinners
The missionaries who wrote this article are teaching chronologically from “Creation to Christ” and are now at week 11 — the Law.
Up until this point, most of the people have grasped and accepted that they are descendants of Adam and because of that, they are separated from God. But the fact that they are sinners because they sin hasn't been as clear — until the Law. Obeying the law (or trying to obey the law) will never pay for sins. The One to come, the “Satan Defeater,” will pay the eternal payment for sin. And that payment is the only acceptable payment. God has provided good culturally appropriate examples to drive home some of these spiritual principles. Here’s one.
... in Colombia
The Payment Is Made ...
Years ago, we heard a story about a group of men, including two brothers. They headed out to help cut down the big trees in a patch of jungle in preparation for making a garden that belongs to another man in the village.
The younger brother was killed by a falling tree. The older brother was, of course, sad and angry. Because this wasn't their garden, the older brother asked for payment for his younger brother's death. With the help of the village elders, a payment was settled upon – a shotgun. Once the shotgun was handed over in payment for the death, his anger subsided, and the wrong was righted in his mind. And in the future when he was tempted to get angry again over what happened to his younger brother, his wife would say, "Remember the shotgun. The shotgun was the payment. Don't be angry." And, the older brother could respond, "Yes. That's right. Yep."
... and in Mexico
… And Relationship Restored
Can you guess how we used the story to illustrate the teaching?
When the shotgun was given, the older brother's anger was appeased, and the relationship was restored with the owner of the garden. When the “Satan Defeater” gives the eternal payment, God's anger is appeased and man's relationship will again be restored with God.
Will you pray for the missionaries who are teaching from Creation to Christ? Often during these critical times, the enemy brings many distractions. Pray for stamina for the missionaries and for the listeners that many would track with and respond to the Bible teaching.