Church Leaders with Stephen
One of the goals of seeing a thriving church for every people group is the development of leadership among the believers. Part of that process is getting the leaders to begin … well, leading. They need to become “owners” of the church, both of its physical and its spiritual sides.
Back in October of 2016, the project was put forward to get land and a building for the Agutaynen church. In the words of Stephen and Ginger Jordan, “The goal is to provide a good, low-maintenance, all-season structure in which the church can meet on its own land.”
Design of the New Church Building
Update on the Church
In the early part of April, the Jordans wrote, “Upon our return to the village last month, we have had several meetings with the believers to discuss their future church building. Yes, their future church building. We want them to be very involved in the process, which includes finalizing the plans and the many details involved.
“The believers are very excited, and things are moving forward. Two weeks ago, the believers chose to get the land surveyed to make sure we knew exactly where the property lines were. Within four days, a surveyor came to our village and laid down new property markers. Thankfully, there were no surprises as to where the property line is.
“Then yesterday, Stephen met with several of the believers, and together they decided that we need a well on the property for making hollow blocks and for all the cement work that will take place during the construction of the new building. This morning, we were informed that a well digger will be coming next week to dig the well.”
Landfill Delivery
A Bright Future
As the church matures, more and more will be left to them for decision-making and leadership. Pray with the Jordans as they continue discipling the leaders of the Agutaynen church. A note of praise springs from the Jordans’ lips: “Agutaynen church project — 100 percent of the goal has been reached! Praise the Lord for His provisions through His people!”