Wana: A Thriving Church
Steve and Linda Rosengren and Ed and Jeanne Casteel have been missionaries with the Wana people group in Asia Pacific since 1979. After many years of ministry, the Wana churches had matured and expanded to the point that they were thriving on their own, without the Rosengrens' and Casteels’ guidance.
The Rosengrens returned to live in Canada, the Casteels to live in the USA, where they continue to work on Bible translation and Bible curriculum development in the Wana language. Meanwhile, the Wana believers have been sending missionaries into three neighbouring people groups in Asia Pacific as well as to other villages within their own people.
Bible Presentation to Wana Pastors
Bible Conference
In October 2019, the Wana believers hosted a Bible conference paired with a Bible dedication ceremony. God answered prayers that the Wana would be able to refurbish the neglected airstrip in time, enabling Ed Casteel, other missionaries and representatives from eight other people groups to take part in the conference and dedication.
Ed wrote, “During our Bible conference time, we again studied from Philippians 2, continuing from where we left off in April. We all enjoyed the study, discussion and hearing reports from all the different churches.”
Old Testament Dedication
Several days after the conference, the Bible dedication ceremony took place. The New Testament had previously been translated into the Wana language, and at this point, Old Testament portions were added and dedicated. The believers even invited some government officials to celebrate the dedication and presented them with copies of the Scripture.
Of the last day of his visit, Ed Casteel wrote, “As I was sitting out on the porch, I noticed a lady walking by who looked quite gloomy. She is a hard worker and always in the middle of all the food preparation. I assumed she was totally worn out from all the hard work and asked her if she was tired. She said, ‘No I am just sad that all our guests have to go home today.’ Yes, they totally enjoy these times of fellowship together!”