A Dream Comes to Pass
Tom and Beth Carlton minister in Mexico as the coordinators of the church planting missionary teams, as part of the leadership team, and as teachers at the Mexican training facility called “The Ranch.” In the Carlton’s words, “Why do we serve in Mexico? For the sake of our Saviour, the One Who died and rose for us, and for His Church, whom He purchased with His blood. We look forward to being able to serve the Church by assisting our church planting teams, working in unity to see people come to know Christ and [to be] built up in Him among the least reached peoples of Mexico.”
Recently, Beth mentioned that the Lord allowed her to be a part of a ministry to the Nahuatl people group. She had wanted to be able to see that ministry for years, and she got her wish!
Beth in Nahuatl Dress
A Strategic Cook?
Beth said, “I was asked to be one of the cooks providing meals for one of the building teams that would be travelling out to the village to build the house for the [new] family [joining the Nahuatl team]. Of course, I said I would do it because going out to visit the Nahuatl work is the very thing I have wanted to do for so long. I was thrilled to be able to be a small part!”
A strategic cook, you say? Indeed, and those of you who have ministered to others in any kitchen know the very important place a cook has in any work crew. Beth continued, “I had already done all my meal planning, of course, and had made lists upon lists of every ingredient I would need, having done careful math, keeping in mind that each person might want two servings of each meal I made. If I didn’t calculate correctly, we could run out of food, and that would be stressful. There is no corner grocer in the [village], so the list-making was very important!”
The Husbands’ House
A Thriving Church in Las Moras
Why is the house being built in Nahuatl-land? Why did the construction crew and the cook endure hot days, little fresh water and lots of dust? In order to see the church among the Nahuatl people be a thriving church with disciples making disciples. Beth said, “With some good teamwork the house was ready, and the last day came before anyone was ready for it. Half the group left in the truck, and we parted ways early in the morning. Two flights would take the rest of us out of the village, and the first group left early and were on their way. … I really do thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve on this trip. I am humbled by the body of Christ and how the Lord uses so many people in different ways to reach the lost.”
Would you pray for?
the team reaching the Nahuatl people group in Las Moras
the Husband family as they move in
Rachel Chapman as she translates the Scriptures
the Hypki family as they continue teaching the lessons
Katie Moore as she works with the literacy program, helps Rachel with translation, and teaches and disciples women in Las Moras
the Carltons as they continue to minister to the entire Mexico team