Martin and Janel Diatta minister in West Africa. “I recently started a new activity during my language study where I recount a story using pictures that I have drawn to illustrate. One of my stories included the fact that my mom’s dad was a dairy farmer. I didn’t think to mention that he had machines that milked the cows. [italics added by editor] When I finished, my language helper retold my story while I recorded it. However, when she retold it, she said that my mom milked the cows, which is what would make sense to her. By forgetting a detail, the story changed in the retelling. If it’s difficult to get all the details correct when telling a simple story, imagine the challenge for those who are translating and teaching the Bible in another language. This is why it takes years to learn the language and then translate the Bible into that language. So much care must be taken to make sure that the meaning is not changed and is clearly communicated. Here, in West Africa, we have seven active Bible translation projects going on and five teams working on learning the language in order to translate the Bible. Please be in prayer for these teams.”