Paí Baptism

Wes Goddard ministers among the Paí people of Paraguay. “I praise the Lord that, with my ministry being more itinerant this year, God has given me safety on the roads and my vehicle has been reliable. I am thankful for the one Paí Bible teacher who continues to accompany me as much as possible in my travels so that I don’t have to travel alone on the roads. I’m able to travel to three out of the four main locations where I have been having ministry opportunities. Please pray that God would give clear direction to me and my co-workers as to where to base out of on a permanent basis for our ministries. I praise the Lord that the number of new COVID cases here in Paraguay has continued to stay way down during September. Sunday, September 19, there was a baptism at one of the Paí communities that I travel to each week. It was a privilege to have co-taught a baptism class with Edgar in preparation for the nine people who would be baptized. It was great to hear their testimonies and see them take that step of obedience to the Lord!” Pray for these nine that were baptized, for their new resolve to live for Christ.