The North Wahgi New Testament Is Completely Translated!

Levi and Robyn Lenz minister among the North Wahgi people of Papua New Guinea. “In God’s perfect timing, He had our translation consultant coming to our support base on his way back from Australia. We had two of our translation helpers come from the village and complete the final check of the final book of the North Wahgi New Testament with our consultant. After nearly 11 years of translation work as a team, the North Wahgi New Testament is completely translated. Now we are in the process of spelling and punctuation checking and gearing up to begin the formatting process so that we can prepare the New Testament for the printers. This will still take quite some time, but we are so thrilled to have come to this point. Please continue to pray for us as we work on these finer details. Pray also for us to get the necessary funding for the upcoming printing.”