Pray for Discipleship in West Africa

Dan and Ginny Bryant minister through discipleship in West Africa. “For years now Dan has been meeting with a group of young men for a weekly Bible Study. They meet on Thursday nights. This last year, others from our mission’s team have joined Dan in teaching as well. While the participants have changed a bit, the core group of students are all believers — two guys who live with us and then two guys who live nearby but spend large amounts of time at our house every week as well, so we feel like they live here!

“This last year another guy named G* has started to attend. He … grew up in a town where he was exposed to the gospel through missionaries, but he has remained [a member of the majority religion]. Our family befriended him not long after we moved [here], and he has been a regular visitor since then. But this last year, he has also started to attend the Bible study a few times a month. And not only does he usually come, but he asks questions that show that on his own he is reading the Bible Dan gave him and is working hard to understand. He asks deep questions like, ‘If Christians say that God forgave their sins, then why do I still hear them ask God for forgiveness when they pray?’

“There is another guy named S* who is also not a believer, and who has come to the study as well. He is [from the L people group], which is the group among whom we used to live. He is an acquaintance of one of the other guys, and just came … recently looking for work. He has a job at a little restaurant near here but doesn’t know many other people. Pray that he would continue to come and form friendships with the other guys and our family. [Pray] that our love for him, along with the great love that God has for him, would pierce his heart with truth and [that] he would come to know Jesus.

“Please pray for these and other young men who are a part of our lives in one form or another. Pray that we would have wisdom in knowing whom to invest in, and the best way to go about it. And mostly pray that they would follow Jesus.”