Pray For Ongoing Discipleship in Latin America
Barry and Denise Spor are church planters and church planting consultants among the people of Brazil and Bolivia. “Leoncio, Orlando and Roberto are team teaching and are about to finish off the book of Romans with the believers in Roberto's village. The participation, they say, has been good by many that listen. Orlando and Leoncio have been traveling back and forth from their homes upriver to Roberto's village two times a week for some time now. Orlando shared how God has been exercising his heart as he studies Romans to teach. He shared that God taught in those lessons how we are not to be proud of ourselves in any way [and] how we are to think humbly of how we serve the Lord and treat others. He really likes what he is learning. It thrills his heart to find a living, personal God connecting with him. Pray for the teaching team as you have been, that they would be teaching in the Spirit's enabling and not in their own cleverness of human efforts apart from Him.”