Pray For Our Bible-Teachers-In-Training

Paul and Ellen Swenson minister among the Tanguat people of Papua New Guinea. “We both officially finished our culture and language study. With this being an existing ministry work, there was so much to think through and jump into right after we were finished. In new works, the team usually has a year of translating, starting literacy and lesson writing to get into higher levels of language capability. Jumping right into existing work will be stretching especially for Ellen as she works to strengthen her listening and speaking skills. She is thinking through ways to keep practicing higher level speech. The Bible-teachers-in-training have finished reviewing through the death and resurrection of Christ. Paul will start teaching through new lessons that give an overview of what happens between Christ’s resurrection and Revelation. We are starting some Bible lesson drafting and Bible study sessions. Also, two literacy classes are up and running. We have been working on starting to draft portions of the Bible, and Paul has been starting to make outlines for future studies through books of the Bible. There will be a lot of opportunities to get together with families and talk through upcoming lessons, smooth them out and check people’s understanding of them. It will be a busy but exciting year. Pray for our Bible-teachers-in-training and other core, faithful families to grow and trust the Lord through life and for the children who are old enough now to [understand] the Creation to Christ teaching, that they will not just hear but believe.”