Pray for the Kol Church in Papua New Guinea

Summer Zimmer wrote about the Kol church. “[The] vision [of Ethnos] includes equipping a local body of believers and establishing a pathway for ongoing maturity and multiplication among them. An example of this: the Kol people, on the island of New Britain, Papua New Guinea, now have four established churches along with an [evangelistic outreach] currently happening at a fifth location. A young man recently moved to this new location, a remote hamlet southeast of the missionaries’ location, to teach. His mother accompanied him to help in practical matters and to come alongside the women attending the teaching. Several others from the church have hiked over to the outreach location to encourage them as he teaches. There are also two literacy classes going on, with literacy teachers taking turns to hike for a whole day to one of the locations and staying there to teach for two weeks at a time. Garry and Faith McCay have been serving among the Kol people since 1999. Their current role, as they continue to develop the Kol church in maturity and multiplication, is to teach through new Bible lessons, translate Scripture and provide literacy and teaching materials for the Kol teachers. Please pray for the Kol church as the believers grow and mature in their faith and share that faith among the Kol people group. Pray for safety as they travel back and forth among these remote locations. Pray for open hearts for those who may be hearing clearly about who God is and the gospel for the first time.”