The Gospel is Spreading to more Ka’apor Villages in Brazil

Reuben and Lydia Schuring minister among the Ka’apor people of Brazil. “The Ka’apor believers thank the Lord again and again for the truths that they are learning about God, about the Heavenly Father adopting them as His sons and daughters and [about His] raising them up. Sese repeatedly comments to the believers, ‘Where would we be at today, if the missionaries were not teaching us these truths?’ Recently, this became even more real to them because a different religious group has been trying to make their way on to the reservation. This group can’t speak their language, nor do they know their culture. A couple of men expressed to us, ‘You guys are explaining God’s truths to us in a way that we can understand them, in a way we understand God’s salvation, in a way we understand what it means to walk with God, but this other religious group doesn’t do that. If it weren’t for you, we would still be steeped in our ways and controlled by the fear of the spirits.’ We are humbled being able to see God at work. We know this is coming about because of His mercy and because of the body of Christ saying, ‘Yes, here I am, use me!’

“Recently, the Ka’apor church in this village met with a group of five men and their families from another village to discuss how to go forward with evangelism. The interesting thing was one Christian man who came was Rossi. He had helped the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) missionary translate the New Testament into their language years ago. Three of the wives of the other Christian men were also daughters of two other men who were led to the Lord by Jim Kakumasu and his wife (the SIL translators). Both of these groups have agreed to work together to see the gospel go out to other villages.”