"You need to go and learn all you can."
Wayne and Patsy Gibson minister among the Piapoco people of Colombia. “It won’t be long (March 2023), and we will leave the work in the hands of the faithful Piapoco men and women whom the Lord has raised up.
“For months, the church leaders here had been planning and praying about bringing a few Piapoco leaders back over from across the border for a time of discipleship. Old Manuel, a believer, really encouraged his two sons to come, even though his health was failing. ‘You need to go and learn all you can. Don’t worry about me, even if the Lord takes me before you return.’
“The two weeks went very well, with the guys and some local guys learning more from the Books of Acts and Revelation, on stewardship, hermeneutics, communication of the gospel, animism, syncretism, and religious sects. They really liked the discussion style of the five Piapoco teachers and were impressed with their knowledge of the Word. A time of devotions on our identity in Christ in our home each day after breakfast was also a very encouraging time for them.
“Then the news came that Old Manuel had passed into the presence of the Lord, sad for his two sons here so far away, but they had peace to honour their father’s wishes and remain for the rest of the workshop.
“Certificates of achievement were presented to the attendees when the workshop was completed. The group returned home with the desire to teach others, to strengthen and to encourage the believers in God’s Word. Thank you for praying for them.”