Foundations of the Old Testament for the Nahuatl of Mexico

Peter and Liesl Hypki minister among the people of Mexico and visited their former location of ministry among the Nahuatl people. “The church is growing in her understanding of who each one of them is and what living out the truth looks like. They have recently received the first translations of the books of Ephesians and Colossians, books full of deep spiritual truth that are leading them into a fuller understanding of who they are and what a life lived by the Spirit, in the community of Christ, looks like.  We also find that as they grow in their knowledge of New Testament truths, it is helpful to remember the foundations of the Old Testament and the Old Testament characters that appear in the New Testament.

“So, for the next three weeks, our Sundays will be spent reviewing the life of David — David anointed, David fleeing, David waiting, David trusting, David reigning, David cheating, David killing and David repenting. Our hope is that these times studying the life of David together will further ground them in truth, as they remember the life of a man after God’s own heart and ponder how they themselves are chasing His heart in their community.

“Even if it’s hot, dry and smoky [here], it is a deep privilege to be able to continue to be a small part of what the Lord is doing in the hearts of the Nahuatl.”