Ethnos NZ

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Portions of Scripture “Walk Off” in Southeast Africa

Kent and Jenny Schafer minister among the Maindo people of Southeast Africa. “August 23 is Micaune Day, and it is a huge celebration here. It is the only holiday for which people get together from all over Micaune. There are government speeches, booths selling food and drink, and an ‘all-star’ soccer game. Literally, hundreds of people converge on Micaune Sede (15 minutes away from where we live) to participate in the festivities!

“[This year,] Micaune Day was exhausting, but very exciting! We thought that hundreds of people would be coming from all over Micaune for the celebration, but there were thousands! Kent spent most of the morning talking with people (both individually and formally addressing the crowd). By the time the kids and I joined him in mid-afternoon, his voice was hoarse. A few hours later, my voice was getting hoarse too! We had taken the 10 Maindo literacy books and about 20 other books, including booklets of Genesis 1-2. They were just supposed to be to show people, but we were so swamped with people that somehow almost all of the books ‘disappeared’ from our table without our noticing! We gave out 500 explanations of what we are doing here and 350 explanations of how people can read Maindo books on their phones … and could have given out hundreds more! Since then, we have had some visitors dropping by to ask about the books and have also heard that many people in Micaune Sede (where the celebration was) have and are reading the papers that explain what we are doing here. An amazing answer to prayer is that many people that we talked with on Micaune Day were most excited about having God's Word in their language! They kept asking if they could buy the copies of Genesis 1-2 in booklet form that we had printed (and those were among the books that ‘went missing.’)

“Praise God for how excited the Maindo people are about reading in their language and for all the people who are asking about what we are doing and about the Maindo books. Pray that God would continue to create excitement among the Maindo people about reading and hearing His Word in their language.”