Pray for Seed That Is Sown Along the Path in Paraguay

Jamie and Char Hunt minister among a people group in Paraguay. “In Jesus' parable of the Sower and the Seed, not all truth falls on receptive hearts. Sometimes it falls along the hardened path. Jamie had taught all day doing contrastive teaching, comparing their worldview on sickness with the biblical theology of sickness and suffering. After he had finished, there was time for questions. Right away a man stood up and said, ‘Jamie, you are not right in what you are teaching. I was sick in the hospital for a long time. I kept telling my wife to confess her sin so I could be healed. Finally, she confessed, and then I got better. It was her fault that I was sick. Her sin made me sick. What you are saying that we should not blame others for our sickness is not true.’
“Confronted with the truth of the Bible, our friend seemed to be blinded by his own past experience and faulty human wisdom. As a missionary, these kinds of responses can be discouraging until we remember that we are called to scatter the seed, but the heart response is outside our responsibility.  By God's grace, this was not the normative response that day; many gave testimony to the joy they had at finally knowing the truth. Please do pray for the hearts of these people. Pray that God would prepare their hearts to receive truth, first the seed of the true gospel and then truth that will enable them to grow in grace and freedom. Pray that the Enemy of the Gospel, our adversary the devil, would be thwarted at every turn in his attempt to snatch away what is being sown among them.”