Equipping the Next Generation of Missionaries
Barrie and Cherri Williamson work with the Southeast Asia Mainland Field Committee and the Equip Asia Steering Team. “[In this term of the Equip Asia program,] there are 41 first year students and 31 second year students from a wide range of countries. At the end of this term in May, we are considering accepting new students from the Caribbean as well as Swahili speakers from East Africa. Several other countries also have potential candidates. Pray that we will find just the right advisors who can be involved in the discipleship of each student.
“In Southeast Asia Mainland, historical developments have led to the same languages and ethnic groups being found in several different countries across the region. So, we ask the question: how can efforts be coordinated to both unite and equip the Body of Christ? ... One thing is crystal clear: the Harvest is GREAT, but the labourers … REMAIN FEW. Pray that the Lord of the Harvest would speak to the hearts of His children to take up the challenge and be SENT out to work, for the day is coming when it won’t be possible any longer.”