The Door Is Open among the Iski

André and Aurélie Tousch minister among the Iski people of Papua New Guinea. “[An Iski church,] the M church, has started a literacy program in the neighbouring village of S, across the river. In 2019 during the outreach in village M, a few people from S came to the meetings, so we visited them regularly in their village to chat with them and talk about the gospel. But after a few weeks, we had to stop going to this village because the majority of the population was opposed to the teaching. There had even been death threats against a Christian lady in this village.

“What joy to see that even among the leaders of this community, now many want to hear the gospel, and Christians are free to come to their village! The literacy program is a prelude to the outreach that is expected to begin later this year.” Praise God for this opening to share the gospel with the people of village S. Pray for the M church as they teach literacy and prepare for this upcoming outreach.