Pray for Struggling Emberá Believers

Doug Schermerhorn is a retired translator from Panama where he ministered among the Emberá people. “Two families … are asking prayer for their witness there. Limber and Sixta, along with Silbio and Dilia are meeting together for worship. They would like to see more people in the village come to the Lord. They also would like to travel to another Emberá village not far away to help the struggling Emberá believers there. Two Emberá friends of mine are asking for prayer. They both made professions of faith years ago, but they both said that they are living far from the Lord. When I talked with them, they did not try to hide their broken relationship [from] the Lord. They both acknowledged that they needed to return to the Lord, but there are issues that are keeping them from doing that, one being pride. I prayed with them about their condition, and they thanked me for that. They also asked for prayer. So please pray that God would open their minds and hearts to truly turn in faith to Him. Their names are Cornelio and Giovany.”