Pray for the Uriay Bible Translation Project

Lisa Kappeler ministers among the Uriay people of Papua New Guinea. “I loved my time with the people and enjoyed some fun and sweet conversations with lots of [them]. I was encouraged to know they hadn’t forgotten me. So now I’m back in town working on the translation that I got done in the village. I have recordings to transcribe, and I have chapters and portions to translate back into English. [I am] so thankful for all the translation I was able to get done in such a short time in there … and to have time and tasks to work on for my own translation project. I have a translation check [coming up] for another translator. Be praying for the translator and the guys from his village. It’s portions of Exodus in preparation for the Gospel Teaching. Pray that they can understand and restate what they understood and that I can help the translator figure out how to fix anything that’s not clear. These folks live a hard life in a hard place and previously had no access to the gospel. [I am] so thankful that He saved me and that He sent me to the Uriay.”