Bible Translation Workshop in West Africa

Dan and Ginny Bryant have a ministry of discipleship in West Africa. “Did you know that there are almost 4,000 languages in the world that do not have a verse of the Bible in their own language? And there are over 2,700 other languages which have parts of the Bible translated, but not the whole thing? Dan had the opportunity to be part of the process of lowering these numbers. As his neck continued to heal, he [was] at his desk working hard to prepare [for the] 11-hour drive to the southeastern corner West Africa. The purpose of this trip [was] to teach a workshop on Bible translation principles for nine [people] who already are, or plan to be, a part of translating the Bible into their own language. How awesome is that! There [were] five different Bible translation works represented there, and each language is unique and separate from the others. The workshop [was] taught in French and [ran] from September 1 to the following Thursday. Please pray for Dan’s [teaching] …, [that it was well understood] and for our co-worker Josh as he [went] along with his family as the IT person dealing with all the technical elements, and for Penny, a co-worker who has lived 40 years in that area, who is actively working on a translation project and [helped] with grading and questions.

“Translating the Bible is a complicated and extremely time-consuming task. Good translations enable people to hear and understand the Word of God for themselves in their heart language, all things to which Satan is opposed. So, we are asking you to pray with us! Pray that the students clearly understood what they [were taught and] are able to apply it.”