Challenged by Example of Endurance in Extremely Hot Environment

Stephen and Carolyn Crockett minister as literacy teachers and Bible translator in Asia Pacific. Carolyn wrote, “Stephen had the privilege of checking the Sekadau Bible translation where Paul and Bella Gervasi have been serving for many years. The Sekadau ladies who helped with checking were so bright and patient. We were challenged by Paul and Bella's example of endurance in serving there in a very hot environment, not to mention the intense 10-hour drive to this village. While Stephen was checking the Sekadau Bible, I really enjoyed the opportunity to get to know the women there. What a different culture than the Moi, and I found it so intriguing. The Moi's staple food are different roots, and the Sekadau's staple is rice. They sure work hard in the hot sun to plant and harvest! After our time in Sekadau, we headed back to the beautiful valley where the weather is perfect! Cool and dry! That was a reprieve after the hot, steamy jungle. Ha-ha. There Stephen checked the Kora Bible translation that Jeff and Craig have been working on. Translation checking for the Sekadau and Kora Bible went well. Pray for wisdom as we think through what transitioning out of Moi will look like in the upcoming years as we wrap up the New Testament Bible translation. The Moi Church leaders are doing well preparing Bible lessons on their own.”