Of Baptisms and Muddy Roads

Paul and Bella Gervasi minister among the Sekadau people of Asia Pacific doing church planting and translation. “This last month has been a busy one for Bella and me. During Easter weekend we met together with the church here four times. After the meeting on Saturday morning, there was a baptism in the river here. Fifteen folks had come and asked to be baptized. This was the first time we have had a baptism where I had so little involvement. But that is what we are working towards. The church here increasingly is meeting their own needs. Two days after the baptism, Bella and I went out to town. There are roads now that come right to the village. However, they are not the best roads. We have to use a four-wheel drive vehicle, and even then, it can be dicey. While coming in to get us, our driver had a flat tire and lost control of the car. He ended up in a ditch on the side of the road. The men here pitched in and got the car out. Instead of leaving at 8 a.m., we left at noon. I am continuing to make and revise lessons. Both of us are continuing to work on translation. We are hoping we will have another translation check in August. Please do continue to pray that we will be able to finish what we have to do here.”