Nahuatl Believers Are Owning Their Responsibility

Katie Moore is part of the Nahuatl team and is ministering in Mexico. “Pray for the Nahuatl church as they discuss how to best reach the lost in their community. The believers are burdened for their unbelieving friends and family. Recently about six adults have expressed interest in studying the Word for the first time. Some of these individuals have been witnessed to personally by some of the believers. Others have had close interactions with our church and are curious. The believers have been prayerfully considering whether they should teach a group or individuals and who should take on different parts of that task. The fact that they are owning that responsibility as a body of believers is a joy to my heart and already an answer to prayer. Agreement and commonality are key elements in the Nahuatl culture. How difficult it has been for the believers to be in disagreement with their community as they reject the worldview their ancestors held to for generations! While the believers find comfort in their new family in Christ, they are learning some especially challenging lessons. They are seeing that disagreements can occur even with their fellow believers and are finding the previous customs of ignoring problems and holding grudges incompatible with their new faith. Pray that their faith continues to put down deep roots and that they would continue to practice obedience in the truths they are learning.”