Training the Next Timothys in Papua New Guinea

Jason and Nisae Williamson minister among the Iski people of Papua New Guinea. “In order to see a sustainable church, the next generation of leaders have to be equipped and discipled. This is a huge need that the Iski Bible teachers have recently been seeing and trying to figure out a vision with how to accomplish this. They asked us to come down and give direction for a training program for new prospective Bible teachers. So, two Iski church leaders and I hiked down and spent three days helping them to look at biblical principles of discipleship and leadership training. We looked at the discipleship models of Christ with His disciples and Paul with Timothy. After the training course, one Bible teacher from [a] village church stood up and said, ‘Look here, we are like Paul, and we have so many ways to choose from! I'm going to follow this way of making disciples and choose a Timothy, and if all of us men do this, the church will grow, and we will have many people who can take our place once we get old and die.’ Currently … there are 13 men, young and old, that have shown an interest in being discipled and trained by the first-generation Bible teachers. Please pray for God to protect, raise up, and equip these men for the work of ministry.”