Pray For Those Learning Difficult Languages

Caleb and Emily Arnold minister among the Tepehuan people of Mexico. “We have begun adjusting to mountain life as a young family learning from the Thomases where to get groceries, who sells the best tacos and where Tepehuan communities are in relation to the little town. We have also begun studying Tepehuan — the language that the people speak. It is a very challenging language, and we know it will take many years of hard work to be able to speak well. Please pray that the Lord would open our minds to understand and remember the new words and phrases we are learning. We desire these people to hear and understand God’s Word in their heart language. We have enjoyed getting to know a few of the Tepehuan believers as well as some others who have come to our gate looking for work opportunities or clothing. It is a step of faith every time we open the door! Pray for the people that live here and the surrounding communities. They live in fear and darkness and need the hope that comes from the gospel. Pray for us to continue to adjust well to this new culture and that the Lord would make it clear where he would have us move for our ministry. We are living in a temporary house and are prayerfully investigating other places that are closer to the Tepehuan people and more advantageous for our ministry goals among them.”