"Acts of the Apostles" Film

Jack and Suzie Russell minister among the Simba Guaraní people of Bolivia. “Jack has completed the Acts of the Apostles film in Simba! It was a huge project, but very enjoyable. God has raised up a group of Simba brothers and sisters that are now experienced in dubbing these films and are bringing out the emotions that the scenes call for. As always, many hours were spent ‘dubbing’ or ‘lip-synching’ the recorded Scriptures into the video. After a thorough check and re-check, the project was mastered and finalized at JAARS (a division of Wycliffe). We are now waiting for the film’s copyright owner to give the final permission to release it. We are [eager] to get the movie into the hands of the Simba people. We know it will be a very powerful tool for the ministers and that it will help illuminate darkened hearts and minds. I know that because that’s what the Holy Spirit does when people hear God’s Word. During Jack’s time in Bolivia, he had three of the Simba ministers recording parts for the Acts movie. This gave them lots of time to fellowship and for them to share about their ministries. They are doing a great work and are in real spiritual battles. Thanks for your participation with us in the Simba ministry.”